Xiletrade overview

One-action price check

Find instantly the best price range.
Setup behaviors on the fly.
Play smoother, trade quicker !

  Pricing   Bulk   Settings

Runs efficiently with few CPU resources.
Uses max 250 MB of RAM with no memory allocation spikes.
NO DATA written in the background.

Main features

Xiletrade regex manager

Installation and Setup

  1. Download the latest version and extract .7zip archive in desired directory.
    Xiletrade is a portable application and does not install anything additional upon launch.
  2. Right click on system tray icon to configure or close the program.
  3. Select desired game version, language and league under startup or settings window.
  4. Mouse hover on each feature until a tooltip appears to get a deep explain.

    Xiletrade settings window

How it works

Run your game in windowed or borderless full screen in order to work correctly.
Make sure that Xiletrade language and league match corresponding game settings.
Once Xiletrade is launched and setup, you can now price check following this process :

  1. Place your mouse over an item in game and press CTRL+D (default)
  2. It will copy item info descriptions from game and open Xiletrade window.
  3. The window will display estimated prices if the search return matching results.
  4. Prices displayed are based from the official trade websites PoE 1 and PoE 2.

Customizable behaviours

Designed to comply rules set by the official trade website  
in order to avoid abuses with limited data recovery and requests over time.  


Does the application support all languages ?

Yes, It was designed to support all Path of Exile client languages.

Is it safe to download the application from other website ?

For obvious security reasons, it is strongly recommended to download Xiletrade from the main repository or github.io website associated.

I know that using a third party app can result in a ban from a game.
Is this the case for Path of Exile with Xiletrade ?

No, Xiletrade was first released in 2020 and as long as you use the version published on this site, you will never risk getting banned as long as GGG policy allows the use of tools like this.
Note that the game publisher will never guarantee a third-party tool. It is up to the project maintainer to ensure that the proposed tool complies with the rules.
I invite you to read the terms of use in order to cross-reference the information.

Why is the software free ?

Xiletrade is a standalone software and is not intended to be used for profit by integrating advertisements as is customary. However, it is possible to make donations at your discretion. Contribution are appreciated if you like the project and thank you for that 😊.